Wednesday, February 4, 2009

25 minutes

after some time,i finally made up my mind
she is the girl and i really want to make her mine
i'm searching everywhere to find her again
to tell her i love her
and i'm sorry bout things i've done
i find her standing in front of the church
the only place in town u didn't seacrh
she look so happy in her wedding dress
but she's crying while she's saying this
Boy i've miss your kisses all the time
but this is 25minute too late
Though you travelled so far
Boy i'm sorry you are 25minute too late
Againts the wind,i going home again
wishing me back to the time
when we were more than friend
but still i see her in front of the church
the only place in town where i didn't search
she looked so happy in her wedding dress
but she's cryed while she saying this
Boy i miss your kissed all the time
but this is 25minute too late
Though you travelled so far
Boy i'm sorry you are 25minute too late
Out in the streets
there is where hungry heart have nothing to eat
inside my head
still i can hear the word she said..
Boy i miss your kissed all the time
but this is 25minute too late
Though you travelled so far
Boy i'm sorry you are 25minute too late
Boy i miss your kissed all the time
but this is 25minute too late
Though you travelled so farBoy
i'm sorry you are 25minute too late
i call still hear her say!